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I am here to remove the obstacles to your heart-led abundance and prosperity. Achieving this requires deep reflection, stillness, and a multi-dimensional understanding of your psyche and environment.  

We provide the spiritual and scientific tools you need to heal, grow, and manifest your destined path.

Together, we harness the power of collective determination and the intelligence of Love to create a new reality of wealth and fulfillment.


Join us on this journey to elevate your consciousness and revolutionize your life

Ingrid Woodward 

After helping women break the generational patterns and revolutionize creating wealth on their terms, .... I now know this .... 

♦️   You're not just looking for a purpose and a calling, you are searching  for your                    unique calling

♦️  You're not after quick fixes or empty promises; you want authentic results from                someone who truly sees and understands you. 
♦️  You're not merely looking to deepen your relationship with money, you want to                 embody your wealth blueprint and call in your wealth identity beyond where you          are now.

♦️  And call in your wealth identity beyond anything you even thought was possible.  
♦️ Don't be mistaken, this is an initiation for those who are ready to choose more  -             more abundance, more alignment, more empowerment, more heart-led living.

♦️This is not for those who desire more "somedays" or "what ifs" ...... 

    This is for those who sense that this is their time.... 



Step into a Sanctuary for Radical Transformation.


Experience a profound shift from resistance and old beliefs to living fully from the heart, where abundance, and prosperity aren't just possibilities - they become your new reality. 


In just 90 days, using some of spiritual, scientific, and practical methodologies, you'll heal your past, re-engineer your nervous system, and elevate your personal power.


Break free from from mindset resistances and ancestral patterns.  

You don't need to alter your essence, or masquerade as someone you're not.  

Choose a strategic approach to manifest your destined path,  ascend to a higher state of consciousness, and hone your intuition for a life of wild abundance.  


You have the power to give yourself more choices, heal your lineage and change the face of wealth as the world knows it. 

Are you ready to revolutionize your life?

Ingrid Woodward


Ingrid Woodward

When I started my coaching and consulting business, I didn't see many successful women that looked like me and there weren't that many spaces that understood my experience with money, wealth and generational traumas.  


So, I committed to creating a TRULY inclusive and diverse space.    


One where good-hearted women from all walks of life can come together in the name of breaking the ancestral lineage and be the first to say YES on ALL LEVELS.  

I  say this because I know what it's like to be wildly disempowered around choosing to create wealth.  

In 2022 after burning out, I did the unthinkable .... 

I traded as stable, highly paid corporate job to live my calling.  

It would be the start of my legacy and my wealthy woman masterpiece. 


It would be the last time in my lineage for lack and scarcity. 


I committed to my mission on this planet to build a business to help you go from trying to manifest more to embodying your wealth identity, your relationship with your soul to allow prosperity and abundance to flow through you. 

1 to 1 Consulting

Work with Ingrid to heal and transcend the scarcity and lack that lives in your body and lineage.  Co-create your destiny with your soul and liberate from the superficial manifesting matrix.  

Corporate Consulting

Done With You

Deepen your connection with True Self with Spiritual coaching. Tailored solution to meet you where you are to get access to your intuition and root causes of challenges to finally get rid of limiting beliefs & patterns. 

Wealth Ascension  Blueprint

Our clients have launched integrative holistic well-being solutions as a game-changer for team collaboration, innovation and productivity. 

A 90 Day Accelerator to fast track your way to radically transform resistances, old belief patterns using spiritual and scientific methodologies.  Live your wealthy woman soul blueprint.  You'll have 1:1 support the entire time 

Lets Co-Write Your New Chapter

Customer Testimonial 

I had struggled with undiagnosed pain for most of my life, a constant companion that seemed to have no source or solution.


That was until I had an Akashic Records Soul Reading session with Ingrid. The experience was nothing short of transformative. Ingrid's insights were not only profound but also incredibly specific, shedding light on deep-seated issues that I wasn't even consciously aware of. It was as if she handed me the missing pieces of a puzzle I had been trying to solve for years.

Now, I feel empowered and in control of my life in a way I never thought possible. The pain that once seemed like an unchangeable fact of my existence has diminished, and I find myself moving through life with a newfound ease and confidence.

"I was amazed by the precision and accuracy of Ingrid's guidance. She illuminated the limiting beliefs and karmic patterns that held me back, equipping me with powerful tools to forge a new path. Now, I'm confidently overcoming obstacles and manifesting a life aligned with my true potential "

The transformation didn't stop with just a reduction in my physical pain; it extended into every aspect of my life. With the clarity and understanding I gained from my session with Ingrid,


I've been able to approach my relationships, career, and personal goals with a fresh perspective. The limiting beliefs and karmic patterns that once dictated my decisions have been replaced with a sense of purpose and direction.  


Reflecting on my journey, I realize that the greatest gift Ingrid has given me is not just relief from pain or the ability to manifest my desires; it's the profound realization that I am the creator of my reality. This empowerment has been the key to leading a more fulfilled life.  

I cannot recommend Ingrid's Akashic Records Soul Reading session enough. It's more than just a consultation; it's a doorway to a life you may have never imagined possible


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Ingrid Woodward Manifesting Queen

©2024 by Ingrid Woodward.  All rights reserved.

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